2014 April PAD challenge Day 15: Write a Love/Anti-Love poem

So, today’s challenge was to write an epic love poem or…an anti-love poem. I’ve been writing pretty much the same style of poems so I thought that I would try a different style.


Lillies, daisies and cherry blossoms, floating in the autumn breeze.

Only the most beautiful human being walks across the room.

Velvet bow ties, white shirt, impossibly blue eyes.

Each line is captivating, hilarious, pure bliss.

Time to decide whether or not I should side with my brain or my heart.

Overlooking the fatal flaws, forgetting that cats have claws.

Hydrangeas, lilacs and carnations I see no more.

Anger grows, impossible to contain, resentment shows,

Trust betrayed. Does everyone go through this pain?

Even the romantics know how to hate to love.

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